The Necessary Skills Now Network is dedicated to
facilitating collaboration between educators and employers
to improve the employability skills of entry-level technicians in STEM fields.

How Career Ready are New Graduates?
Employers Identify Proficiency Gaps

Job Outlook 2023 – National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

This chart compares importance vs. proficiency of college graduates on career readiness competencies, as identified by responding employers. 
For communication importance ranks 95.6% and proficiency ranks 46.9%. 
For critical thinking importance ranks 94.4% and proficiency ranks 55.9%. 
For teamwork importance ranks 92.3% and proficiency ranks 73.3%. 
For professionalism importance ranks 91.2% and proficiency ranks 48.6%. 
For equity and inclusion importance ranks 86.2% and proficiency ranks 76.1%.
For technology importance ranks 74% and proficiency ranks 76.8%.
For career and self-development importance ranks 68% and proficiency ranks 43.2% 
For leadership importanct ranks 54.1% and proficiency ranks 29%.

employee being hired